Eco Escape

A green path to luxury – The Long Weekend Retreat, Millstream on the Atherton Tablelands FNQ

Escape to your own eco sanctuary for humans and nature alike.

The Long Weekend Retreat, Millstream is a paradise for nature lovers of all kind. With green sustainable initiatives this eco-friendly getaway is designed to reduce our collective global footprint – while you relax and indulge in heavenly comfort in your own private wildlife sanctuary. Enjoy the bushland gardens of this eco-retreat, abundant with native birds and wildlife.

The Long Weekend Retreat is near self sufficient

  • Water is sourced from rainwater collected and stored on the property, and the fresh clean flowing Millstream beside the Retreat
  • Hot water is solar charge
  • An onsite waste water purification plant irrigates the orchard and gardens

Natures Own Soak Bath

Enjoy the seasonal bubbling waters of our Archer Creek Falls and swimming hole, or float your way on the cool clean Millstream. You may even find yourself splashing with a platypus

Close to all the Atherton Tablelands and Cairns, this luxury eco friendly retreat accommodation is located in an area of astonishing biological diversity. The Long Weekend Retreat, Millstream nearby the Millstream Falls National Park, a diverse wildlife habitat conserved A network of walking tracks lead directly from The Retreat. From Buckley’s Point enjoy a panoramic view of coastline and explore the honeycombed rock platform. Morton National Park, Conjola National Park and the South Coast’s World Heritage Budawang Ranges are just moments away by car.

What good is a house, if you haven’t got a decent planet to put it on?
-Henry David Thoreau

Birding and wildlife from the luxury of The Long Weekend Retreat, Millstream

Sightings at The Long Weekend Retreat to make a truly interesting bird journal!

The Long Weekend Retreat, Millstream is a paradise for birders and nature lovers of all kinds. Located in an area of astonishing biological diversity and featuring wildlife at intimate range. From the deck an array of native birds can be viewed, and the rare Mareeba Rock Wallaby is likely to make a visit to the gardens


Birds at The Long Weekend Retreat, Millstream

Rainbow Lorikeet, Crimson Rosella , Eastern Rosella, King Parrot, Satin Bower Bird, Eastern Whipbird, Southern Boobook Owl, Tawny Frogmouth Owl, Wedge Tailed Eagle, White Bellied Sea Eagle, Gang Gang Cockatoo, Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo, Red Tailed Black Cockatoo, Glossy Black Cockatoo, Laughing Kookaburra, Azure Kingfisher, Dollarbird (migratory from S.E. Asia), Australian Wood Duck, Rose Robin, Superb Fairy Wren, Southern Fairy Wren, Emu Wren, White Headed Pigeon, Wonga Pigeon, Bar Shouldered Dove, Common Koel, Barking Owl, White Throated Treecreeper, Eastern Bristlebird, Weebill, Yellow Throated Thornbill, Red Wattlebird, Noisy Friarbird (migratory from Asia in spring), Regent Honeyeater, White Eared Honeyeater, White Cheeked Honeyeater , Pacific Baza, Silvereye (Grey-backed), Eastern Yellow Robin, Grey Shrike-thrush, Grey Fantail, Magpie-lark, Olive-backed Oriole, Green Catbird, Pied Butcherbird, Pied Currawong, Red-browed Finch (Firetail), Magpie, Pelican, Long Billed Black Cockatoo (out of region), Horsfields Bronze Cuckoo, Golden Whitler, Brown Cuckoo Dove, Tawny Frogmouth Owl


Brown Striped Marsh Frog, Eastern Pobblebonk (frog), Goanna (Lace Monitor), Blue Tongue Lizard, Jacky Lizard, Eastern Water Dragon, Eastern Water Skink, Short Beaked Echidna, Eastern Grey Kangaroo, (common), Swamp Wallaby, Redneck Wallaby, Brush Tailed Possum, Feathertailed Glider, Sugar Glider, Long Nosed Bandicoot, Diamond Python, Small-eyed Snake, Red Bellied Black Snake, Dunnart, Golden Bellied Water Rat, Dusky Footed Rat, Grey Headed Flying Fox (feeding on Eucalyptus gummifera in late summer), Common Blossum Bat (microbat)

The Long Weekend Retreat library is stocked with field identification guides for flora and fauna, walking maps and binoculars.